Sunday, October 28, 2007

Clarify! Clarify! Clarify!

Having spent two years looking at material and following developments in the single-sex education debate, I would like to discuss this issue further. Fatima Goss Graves, Senior Counsel at National Women's Law Center, addresses my blog on Here are some of my responses to Ms. Graves' comments.
First, on an earlier blog, I made a comment that I felt that women were on both sides of this issue. I meant to point out that those that support and those that oppose the movement feel that they are doing what is best for young girls. I did not intend for it to sound as if the NWLC or the AAUW were against all single-sex classes.
Second, yes, I agree that the evidence in favor of single-sex education is not strong. There are many studies in schools at the elementary and middle school level. But there are very few studies that are school-wide or state-wide. That is why I feel that Chadwell's work is so important. Check out this Associated Press article on Chadwell This program would be the first statewide initiative of single-sex classes. I appreciate Ms. Graves' comments about the stereotyped instruction referred to in the AP article. I do think that this could be the first program of serious significance in single-sex education.
Third, thank you Ms. Graves for responding to my blog, which I started for an assignment in a journalism class. No matter which side of the fence anyone is on, a female president would take the country in an interesting direction.

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